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Automobile Component Testing

Automobile Component Testing

With the automobile industry developing as rapidly as it is, domestic manufacturers of automobile components are seeking more opportunities to market their goods around the world. However, local manufacturers who supply components to joint-venture original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) in China or overseas require release/approval from the engineering department of the overseas OEM. The overseas OEM’s specialized laboratory is the only authority that can provide this type of release/approval. The only other option is to have the product tested in an independent, third-party laboratory approved by that OEM.

Typical applications for automotive component testing include:

Endurance Test System
Performance Test System
Pneumatic Pulsation & Actuation
Brust Test

Endurance testing refers to tests typically done to find out whether an application can withstand the processing load it is expected to have to endure for a long period. During endurance tests, memory consumption is observed to determine potential failures. Performance quality is sometimes also montiored during endurance testing.

Endurance tests are used mainly to measure the response of a tested element under potential simulated conditions for a specific period and for a certain threshold. Observations recorded during the endurance test are used to further enhance the parameters of the tested element.

Endurance testing is sometimes referred to as soak testing.

Performance Testing is done to provide stakeholders with information about their application regarding speed, stability and scalability. More importantly, Performance Testing uncovers what needs to be improved before the product goes to market. Without Performance Testing, software is likely to suffer from issues such as: running slow while several users use it simultaneously, inconsistencies across different operating systems and poor usability. Performance testing will determine whether or not their software meets speed, scalability and stability requirements under expected workloads. Applications sent to market with poor performance metrics due to non existent or poor performance testing are likely to gain a bad reputation and fail to meet expected sales goals. Also, mission critical applications like space launch programs or life saving medical equipments should be performance tested to ensure that they run for a long period of time without deviations.

Numatic Engineering is your premier resource for pneumatic automation components and value added services. As our name suggests, we specialize in pneumatic products. From air cylinders and directional control valves, to shock absorbers, rate control devices, aluminum framing and tie rod cylinders we have the products to suit any application. We work with your ideas to create complete solutions, and not just parts. We have the application knowledge and expertise to assist you in your design.

Pneumatic automation components are still today the most cost-effective, reliable means of creating motion. We’ve applied pneumatic components for over fifty years, ensuring we have the highest skill level across a wide range of industrial markets. Numatic Engineering partners with world class suppliers whose brand names you trust, including Bimba, 80/20, Proportion-Air, Enidine and SMC—the world’s largest manufacturer of pneumatic automation products.

Owing to our enriched industrial experiences, we are devoted towards offering a wide variety of excellent quality Burst Testing Machine. The provided machine is exclusively manufactured using high grade components and latest technology. Offered machine is highly appreciated by our clients owing to its high functionality and long service life. Moreover, to ensure the smooth operations, our quality controllers strictly check this machine on different stages of quality parameters.


– Long service life
– Less maintenance
– Hassle free operations

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February 9, 2018
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February 9, 2018
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February 9, 2018

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